Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I packed up my dreams long ago. No reason as such. Sometimes, life just doesn’t go the way you want it to. People stand in your way, the road gets blocked, more powerful people have other priorities they want you to have. I was told that my dreams were silly, that I should wake up and be real. What’s more real than having a desire, a dream, a wish and a want to make that dream a reality? There is an inner child within each of us that has a hidden a wish, and without the right kind of nurturing, that wish remains hidden, most of the times for life. How many of us wake up everyday and think, ‘I could have had it so much better…’

It gets so frustrating, especially when you know you’ve got the drive and potential and yet, you have to settle for, not even second best, but a distant back-up plan, because that is what powers above you want and decide is best. We are told to be practical, realistic, to grow up and become responsible. But what’s so wrong about living your dreams? If we aren’t able to make those dreams a reality, then why are we told to dream? Why are we told to reach for the sky, to aim as high as we possibly can, to end up being bound to the earth, have your bow taken away and told to be happy with what you have? Isn’t it all just a little bit contradicting? It feels like being caught in an avalanche, when you are trying to climb a mountain, and you haven't even started as yet.

Psychologists who specifically study learning behavior have a term they call ‘learned helplessness’. It’s that state of helplessness and hopelessness and helplessness you feel when you know nothing you do will help you, that no matter how you try, you will never escape the situation you are in. Because situations won’t allow you to. Because other people won’t allow you to. Because no one will help you, no matter what….I guess you never really know what life has in store for you. No matter how you plan, you have no guarantees. You become complacent and accept whatever comes your way as ‘It’s how things are, and how they will always be….so why bother?’ How sad a life is that!!

1 comment:

  1. adulthood kills a lot of dreams, right?

    The need to conform, the fear of being ostracised because our dreams are different, the belief that our dreams are unworthy-
    sometimes i wish i was still that kid who could'nt wait to grow up and start 'LIVING'. now i find myself grown up and i feel i'm just existing, just going thru the motions.

    Totally identify with your post
