Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The war inside me

' moon rises over the eastern sky, I am reminded of the time I used to gaze it, thinkin 'The same moon shines above us, yet, we are so far away' When will I ever meet you?? Who are you?? Where are you??...'

There was a time when I used to think that life was like 'grow up, get a job, settle down'. Life was simple then, not a worry, always optimistic, always ready for the next thing. I was enthusiastic as a child, always ready to get up and get the day done. I was always the kid that grown-ups reffered to as 'such a nice child. How helpful he is! How obedient' You know, that annoying kid who always smiles, and is always smart, polite and nice to everyone. My God!! How annoying I must have been!! Now, when I meet people like that, I smirk inside, knowing that it's just a cover. I can never believe in people who smile 24 hours a day. Call me hypocritical. That's what life does to you

I guess life has a way of screwing you over, eh? Everything you ever believed in, everything you were brought up to believe, you turn right round and make fun of it. I'm not saying I'm not optimistic fact, I'm just as optimistic as I was before about some things. It's just that, well, that optimism has been mixed with a smattering of cynicism and sarcasm. Now, whenever I hear of something, or see something, I can't help but think, 'What good is it gonna be?' or 'How foolish! There are better things than this'. I just can't help but feel that sometimes, people aren't all that trustworthy, or worth bothering about. I mean, in the end, we're all just out to please ourselves, aren't we? Everyone is looking out for no one but themselves. Even love, basically, is selfish. We see someone, we want to be with them. Then we do everything we can to make them like us back. And if we fail, we turn bitter and start cursing them. Even if we do win the person, we ge bored of them sooner or later, and start looking for greener pastures. I guess the line between love and hate really is thin. Take a look at people who 'work selflessly for other people'.....aren't they out for praises and glory? I can never trust someone who says how much he loves his fellowmen and works for their benefit. There is always an ulterior motive behind every human action. And people who smile 24/7 are the worst of the lot.

Then again, just when I think all hope is lost for human-kind, I meet people who disappoint me. And no, these aren't perfect people who get everything right. In fact, these people are those people who face problems everyday, people who have been rejected, people who gets fired from their jobs, people who have bills to pay, people who have to work because they have no other choice, people who who cry every now and then because life gets at them. People who have been beaten and bruised, but still keep going, who still look forward to a better day, because they believe that a better day is coming. These people never talk about their problem and would never dream of burdening other people wih their own loads. They smile, not everyday, not gladly, but they smile. And these smiles are the most beautiful one will ever see. Then, I ask myself, 'Who am I compared to these people?? What right do I have to be so cynical? What right do I have to be so bitter?? I don't have everything I want, I may never do, but I have everything I need.' And that's what keeps me going everyday.

'...when life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, show the world that you have a million reasons to smile...'